There are times when we feel close to God and there are times when we feel far away from God.We all go through those period of times in our life. During those times, our mind gets filled with doubts saying does God really care? Is God listening to my prayers, I cant hear from God.. etc. And Even worse, is God real ?
As I was thinking about this particular topic this week, It came to my mind that nobody can really give us an answer but the bible. The bible is full of men and woman who experienced this kind of situations with God. Nearly all of them failed in most instance to trust in the living God ( Elijah,Peter, and so on.)
But despite of their disbelief God still revealed Himself to them in different ways,which reveals to us, despite of our weakness and doubts God still reaches out His hand towards us as long as we are honest with God about our doubts and anxious thoughts.
God likes people who are honest with Him, besides can you keep a secret from God? Nop... is the answer. So be honest and open your heart towards God and speak to Him as you would speak to a friend and remember there is not a time in day that He would not listen to you!
The more I am honest with God about my questions and doubts, the more I will know about God besides it is God's desire to reveal Himself to His own creation. At the same time it is a journey to discover God's answers for your questions, so be patient as well.
Key things, Honest & Patient- BE AN OPEN BOOK TO GOD.
1 comment:
It`s good.It`s good to see spiritual music and videos on your blog.
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