Monday, October 26, 2009

Better oppourtinites mean you are better ?

Just on the long weekend. Me and my friends planned to go on a fishing trip. As I was waiting for my friends to get ready, I came across a particular program on the TV. I actually thought about this particular topic many times before but yet I continue to struggle with this.

This particular program focused on children living in the poor countries and how their future was very dim if there was no assistance for them.

It is said that 6 million children under five die every year as a result of hunger ! 34 million children between the ages of 7 to 18 have never been to school, 2 million children are believed to be exploited through the commercial sex trade and this list goes on ! check out this website

Now for those of us who are born in developed countries don't go through the circumstances that these children go through. Almost most of us have the privilege of going for a buffet breakfast, dinner and lunch. Some people eat so much until they have problems with their health on the other hand 6 million children starve to death each year?

Where is the balance ? do the rich countries live in the expense of the poor ?

Teenagers drop out of school when there is opportunity to study further but for the other children they don't even have the chance to go to school because of poverty.

Thinking about these things make me to wonder, just because we are in a developed country and have the resources to buy anything that we want, Does it makes us better then them ?

I am no better then those children who are struggling for food,education, love, and protection. Why ? We are all created in the image and in the likeness of God, we share the divine image no matter what culture or country we are from. Because we all came from God !

Yes God has blessed us with many things, how are we using those blessing to bless others. Remember that God has called us and made us to be a blessing for others.

Let us not take for granted with what we have, use it to make poverty history! Because those who suffer are our brothers and sisters. We are one as a family in Christ. We have been called to serve the poor and make a difference in their life in whatever ways we can!

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