Sunday, July 19, 2020

What is your Red Sea? By Pastor Job

In Exodus 14:15-16, God commands Moses to raise his staff and hands over the red sea. A great wind came and divided the red sea overnight. God did the miracle but Moses had to play his part in being obedient.

I was meditating on this portion of scripture about why God asked Moses to raise his staff and his hand over the Red Sea, God didn't need any help from Moses but why? I asked the Holy Spirit to guide me.

These three key points came to me as I was meditating upon it;

1. Moses's action was act of obedience.

The act of raising the staff and his hand was an act of obedience. God used Moses as an instrument while doing the miracle. Of course God can do it by himself but God used him as an instrument. His obedience resulted in God doing the impossible to be possible.

At the same God was reminding His children that He had appointed Moses to be their leader and that God was with him, so that no one would undermine his leadership. The staff signified authority and leadership.

2. Moses had to exercise his faith.

You see Moses never would have heard about the departing of the Red Sea before nor would he have seen it before. So when God told him that He was about to depart the Red Sea, he had to exercise his faith in him, that is to believe that what God had said will happen.

In Romans 12:3, Paul talks about how God has given each one of us a portion of faith. We have to exercise this faith daily in our lives as we face challenges and difficult circumstance. We must first learn to believe before it happens.

3. Moses had to exercise his God given authority.

No one has authority over nature but God. God wanted Moses to participate in the impossible to be possible. God had given him authority and God wanted him to use the authority by raising his staff and hand.

In the same manner in our lives God has given us authority, in Matthew 18 and Luke 10:19 Jesus talks about that. As children of God we have to exercise our God given authority whenever we face problems and challenges, we must learn to speak words of life.

We must not give room for fear and doubt and but learn to believe.

I hope this video encourages you and if you wish to know more about me you can follow me on my Instagram channel @simplepreacher_

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