Sunday, July 19, 2020

What is your Red Sea? By Pastor Job

In Exodus 14:15-16, God commands Moses to raise his staff and hands over the red sea. A great wind came and divided the red sea overnight. God did the miracle but Moses had to play his part in being obedient.

I was meditating on this portion of scripture about why God asked Moses to raise his staff and his hand over the Red Sea, God didn't need any help from Moses but why? I asked the Holy Spirit to guide me.

These three key points came to me as I was meditating upon it;

1. Moses's action was act of obedience.

The act of raising the staff and his hand was an act of obedience. God used Moses as an instrument while doing the miracle. Of course God can do it by himself but God used him as an instrument. His obedience resulted in God doing the impossible to be possible.

At the same God was reminding His children that He had appointed Moses to be their leader and that God was with him, so that no one would undermine his leadership. The staff signified authority and leadership.

2. Moses had to exercise his faith.

You see Moses never would have heard about the departing of the Red Sea before nor would he have seen it before. So when God told him that He was about to depart the Red Sea, he had to exercise his faith in him, that is to believe that what God had said will happen.

In Romans 12:3, Paul talks about how God has given each one of us a portion of faith. We have to exercise this faith daily in our lives as we face challenges and difficult circumstance. We must first learn to believe before it happens.

3. Moses had to exercise his God given authority.

No one has authority over nature but God. God wanted Moses to participate in the impossible to be possible. God had given him authority and God wanted him to use the authority by raising his staff and hand.

In the same manner in our lives God has given us authority, in Matthew 18 and Luke 10:19 Jesus talks about that. As children of God we have to exercise our God given authority whenever we face problems and challenges, we must learn to speak words of life.

We must not give room for fear and doubt and but learn to believe.

I hope this video encourages you and if you wish to know more about me you can follow me on my Instagram channel @simplepreacher_

Monday, July 6, 2020

The good on waiting by Pastor Job

We all go through seasons of waiting in our life, waiting for our prayers to be answered, waiting for a miracle or a breakthrough. Waiting is no fun nor is it exciting but God brings us through a season of waiting.

Too often there is a negative perception about waiting as we live in a fast world. We want things to happen according to our timetable and we want things to happen fast.

But I wanna encourage you today and remind you that there is good in the waiting.It is in the waiting that we learn to be patient and it is in the waiting that God deals with our anger, impatience, frustration and disappointment.

Why God brings us through a season of waiting?

waiting help us to avoid mistakes in our life. Too often we rush into making decisions and sometimes those decisions may not be wise decisions when we look back.

Waiting brings clarity in the midst of confusion. Too often there is confusion in our lives not knowing where to go or what direction we should head but God brings us through that season of waiting so that he can bring clarity.

God also brings us through a season of waiting so that He can prepare us for what is coming. So that we can learn new skills and be ready for that opportunity or that responsibility.

So today I wanna encourage you that if you are in a season of waiting, don't give up, continue to pray and press in God and in due time you will see God answering your prayers.

You can follow me on my instagram channel @simplepreacher_

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Growing in my relationship with God by Pastor Job

Our relationship with God is our lifeline, it helps us to grow and become mature in our life. Every relationship needs to be nurtured and strengthened in our life. For it to be nurtured and strengthened we need to

1.Spend time,
2.Put effort, show our appreciation.
3.Being grateful.

Any relationship that is not looked after or is missing one of these five elements suffers and if it is not looked after or improved that relationship will soon come to an end.

In the same manner our relationship with God needs to be looked after. Because it is through our relationship with God that we receive

a) Hope
b) guidance
c) He sustains us to face the unexpected situations in life.

So I wanna encourage you to spend time in prayer, reading your bible, and find ways to strengthen your relationship with God.

You can follow me on my instagram channel @simplepreacher_

#relationshipwithgod #godfirst #jesusilove #jesuslovesme #relationship #Englishsermon #pastorjob #god'sword, #bible, #jesus #godguidance #myrelationshipwithgod, #Growingmyrelationshipwithgod

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Living for God by Pastor Job

Living for God is one of the best things that a person can do in their life. It brings great fulfilment. But unfortunately we tend to live based on our thinking, emotions and desires based on ourselves and sometimes they may not be in alignment with the word of God as a result of that we might live a life that is unfulfilling, bad desires can lead to bad live, bad decisions can lead to bad live and so on. So it is really important to bring in alignment our thoughts, our emotions and our desires with the word of God.

Intro Song: Chris Lehman - Flash (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link:

#livingforgod #liveforgod #pastorjob #motivational #bible #christianlifestyle #sermon #godlyliving #christcentered #biblefirst

Thursday, April 16, 2020

The Three Words

Where are you?

Interesting it is to read in Genesis, God reaching out to Adam and asking him "where are you?" The all powerful, all knowing, ever present, self sustaining God reaches out to humanity for fellowship. 

The three words shows the depth of God's heart for his creation. God didn't abandon the world after creation and after the fall but rather he let it run according to his plan and purposes.

In Genesis we can see God intervening to bring judgement for the wickedness of man that was growing and it came to such an extent that God wanted to stop it with a flood. Only one man found favor in the eyes of God and it was Noah. (Genesis 6:8)

Though God wants fellowship with his creation but he does not tolerate sin in anyway and He dealt with the sin of humanity through Christ Jesus. 

Our relationship with God has been restored through Christ Jesus. Through our relationship with God we have fellowship. And it is this fellowship that enables us to know more about God. 

As we have fellowship with God daily we come to a greater understanding about His character, a greater appreciation of His love towards us.  

Walking with God daily is fellowship with God, it is an amazing experience that everyone should be able to do. The fundamental thing about fellowship is conversation. Have you had a conversation with God today?

Conversation in today's term, what I mean is have you said 'hi to God' in prayer. Literally as followers of Jesus Christ, no day should pass by without saying 'hi'.

The fact that God asked Adam 'where are you?' is the same question that I believe God is asking all of us. It is through this conversation (prayer) that we can see God speaking to us through the Holy Spirit and His word.

Often we ask God, where are you? in painful, confused, desperate, anxious, fearful moments but the reality is God has been asking this question all along "where are you?' 

It is through our relationship and fellowship with God that enables us to walk through the painful, confused, desperate, fearful and anxious moments. 

No doubt that as we have a living relationship with God, God will protect us from walking down the path of pain, confusion and fearfulness where it can be avoided. 

While some moments are destined for us to grow, to mature and to come out stronger with God by our side. 

I encourage you my friend as you are reading this, may your relationship with God be stronger and may you be encouraged. 

Monday, February 24, 2020

God's Plan For Our Life

Proverbs 19:21 Many are the plans in a man's heart but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails."

God has a plan for all of our lives, no matter what age, gender, race or country we are from. The best thing about God's plan is that His plan never fails. He sees everything from the beginning and the end. Perhaps today you are at a stage that you are confused about your life, not sure what to do next but don't worry you just need to follow God's lead. 

We all have different plans for our life, its good to have a plan but make sure that God is in the plan as well. Don't leave God outside the plan of yours. Sure enough sometimes our own plan fails or we go through a series of disappointment and that is no surprise to God. Sometimes we go through disappointment so that we will learn to trust God's plan for our life.

No matter what you have gone through in your life, God's plan for your life can never be defeated. What He has planned will be accomplished. Learn to trust God in the most challenging times and He will bring clarity into your life. He will help you to make the right decisions, He will bring the right opportunities in your path to move you forward.

What is impossible to men is possible to God. Though we have our own limitation in our thinking and perhaps even our surrounding but nothing can limit God. Nothing can overrule God's plan for your life, you just have to have an open mind before God and allow Him to lead gently. He will be with you in every step that you take. 

Let no confusion prevail but let the peace of God protect you and guide you in every step. Surrender everything to the Lord, pray about it and walk boldly and confidently that God will guide you and is guiding you.